Essence of Andalusia

"The century-old stone gilded by sun;
Mother Baetica where the river flourish
Valley that burns in the heat of the summer
jara, lavender and thyme, winged summit".

[Juan Morales Rojas]

At the foot of Sierra Morena, the Guadalquivir River (known in antiquity as Betis) moves cheerful giving life to the cordobese valley. At bird's eye view, the tops of the olive trees alterns with the gold of wheat fields and the green of the irrigated crops. Generously the sun spreads its rays which the trees condense into green olives. We take them with mime, we squeeze them and in every drop we get out the same rays of sun…


Essence of Andalusia

Olive Oil

The Obtention

Healthy Properties


A bit of history

|| Mild flavor ||

|| Intense flavor ||

|| Organic ||

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